Ferny Grove State School First Nations Student Leaders

At Ferny Grove State School our First Nations Student Leaders work in collaboration with school staff and families to organise and lead events through the year. They communicate ideas for activities and encourage others to join in learning and celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culture.
First Nations Student Leaders walk in the footsteps of those students who led before by:
- growing Ferny Grove State School's understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture
- planning and leading our school days of celebration including NAIDOC and Reconciliation Week, Book Week, Science Week and more, where First Nations history and culture is celebrated
- committing time to yarn with the wider First Nations student group on a regular basis to connect with younger students, share stories and build friendships based on respect
- using student voice to ensure First Nations perspectives are part of the way we do things at Ferny Grove State School.
Ferny Grove State School staff engage with the Metropolitan Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Services Team who provide support to build cultural capability to authentically embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in teaching and learning.