Ferny Grove State School has an extensive support team including our Guidance Officer, Social Worker, Speech Language Pathologist and Chaplin. We have Defence Aides, Learning Support Teachers, a Student Empowerment Program (SEP) Team and Teacher Aides. Previously the SEP team focussed support on a small group of students that met a very strict criterion for specific disabilities. This has changed.
To access support offered by the SEP team students no longer require a diagnosis of ASD, Intellectual Impairment, physical, hearing or vision disability. It is available to any and all students who need it.
We have a large SEP Team – an additional teacher for each year level as well as highly experienced teacher aides, who will work with every class teacher in their year level to support the needs of every student. Students with Disabilities (diagnosed or not), as always are an integral part of the class. They will be case managed by their class teacher with this additional SEP support. Our StLaN (Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy), often referred to as Learning Support Teacher, will support across phases of learning.
There will be students that will require ongoing intensive and focussed teaching or support to access the curriculum or social aspects of school, other students will require short term focussed or intensive teaching. Class teachers may require assistance to determine and provide tailor supports and reasonable adjustment for these students. This support will come from SEPT and StLan. SEPT and StLan will work with year level class teacher teams to establish what their students' needs are and what supports are required. Supports will be provided far more equitably and sustainably and include extension for students exceeding year level expectations.

NCCD – National Consistent Collection of Data
The introduction of the NCCD – National Consistent Collection of Data has allowed our school to develop systems to empower every student to succeed at school with tailored supports, adjustments and interventions determined by their needs not a diagnosis.
A fact sheet with further information about the NCCD is available for parents and carers.
Please contact the Acting Head of Student Empowerment Program, Jess Richards, for more information.