


Our Chaplaincy service provides students and staff with social and emotional support, provides an additional adult role model in the school and enhances engagement with the broader community including parents.

Student involvement in any activities offered as part of our school's chaplaincy service is voluntary.  Chaplaincy and student welfare services are inclusive and show respect for all religious and non-religious beliefs and other stances represented in the school community. All activities and events provided are optional, non-discriminatory and equally available to students of all beliefs, and are provided at the discretion of the school principal, in consultation with the school community. 

Our school Chaplain is Marcus Preuss. Marcus is available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 

The role of our Chaplain

A school chaplain is a safe person for children to connect with at school, providing a listening ear and caring presence.  They care for students struggling with a wide range of issues, including: family problems, confusing relationships, friendship issues, peer pressure, self-esteem issues, bullying and depression.

Chaplains run positive, fun activities for children, both in and out of school, and foster a supportive, caring school community.  This includes support for at-risk students and support for staff and families from the wider school community. The chaplaincy service works in the area of early intervention and prevention by actively building rapport with staff and students, so as to offer a timely chat or support in finding (internal and external) help agencies.

The Chaplain is not a teacher, a counsellor or a therapist but simply a mentor - someone who has the time to listen, to share in a child’s experiences and to help them make sensible decisions.

Unloading the burden enables children to focus more on their lessons, to relate better to others, to respond rather than react. It helps all children to fully participate in the wonderful learning experience of school.

Donate to our Chaplaincy service

 Click here External link to donate to our Chaplaincy service.

 External link

Last reviewed 05 June 2024
Last updated 05 June 2024