Who we are
Ferny Grove State School P&C (Parents and Citizens) Association is about families, the school and our community working in partnership to ensure positive educational, emotional and social outcomes for our children.
We are a group of everyday parents like you, as well as past parents and community members who are passionate about our school. We work closely and collaboratively with the school to provide our students with the opportunity to learn and excel in a supportive environment, allowing access to enhanced opportunities.
We do this by:
- contributing to discussions around policy and procedure when appropriate
- fundraising for facility and program enhancements through running our Tuckshop and Uniform/Stationery businesses, as well as events.
- providing connection opportunities for school families, staff and the broader community
- supporting our music and drama programs
- working with administration to advocate for Ferny Grove State School.
Making a difference
Some of the contributions made by our P&C over the last few years include:
- airconditioned all classrooms (over $250k)
- built kitchen garden ($30k) and continued investment in a specialist Teacher Aide to connect the garden usage to the Australian Curriculum
- refrigerated bubblers
- contributed to Memorial Garden
- Prep loose parts play area
- sound and lighting upgrades for the Hall
- design and delivery of a new all-accessible Year 5/6 playground ($80k contribution)
- 3 sets of soccer goals
- iPad banks for Prep – Year 2
- Prep playground refurbishment.
Our services
P&C volunteers manage the following businesses alongside paid staff with all proceeds going directly back into school projects:
Open 5 days a week with a range of hot and cold healthy food for lunch.
Uniform store and Stationery shop
Open Monday and Friday 8:00am – 10:00am and Tuesday 2:00pm – 5:00pm
We provide quality, affordable uniforms for our students and a book list service at back-to-school time.
Coffee Cart
Open every morning before school
We provide a kick start to the day for staff and parents and popular during school and after hour events.
Get involved
There are several ways you could contribute including:
- consultation on school policy
- financial planning and budgeting
- assisting with and organising events such as Mother's Day and Father's Day stalls, sports day canteens, movie nights and supporting music concerts and drama performances
- applying for grants
- establishing beneficial partnerships with local businesses
- joining our Festival team and assisting with the Ferny Grove Festival
- using your skills to support after hours, for example; databasing, IT, working bees, lobbying government.
Please see the Events Calendar for more information about P&C events.
Join us
Sign up to be a member of the Ferny Grove State School P&C Association. You can help as little or as much as you like. Becoming a member keeps you in the loop, and allows you to make a difference.
Our P&C meets at 6:30pm in the Library on the 3rd Wednesday of each month and we always welcomes new members. Sign up for membership here.
Phone: 07 3550 5359
Email: pandc@fernygrovess.eq.edu.au